I am often asked how Naturopathic Medicine can help couples who are trying to conceive.  My answer is always the same –  “where do I start?”  There is so much we can offer to people from a fertility perspective – both for those who are having challenges, as well as for those who find the journey relatively straightforward.

The decision to have a baby is a big one, on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  From a physical perspective, there is much that can be done to optimize the health of both parents, which will in turn, optimize both the chances of conceiving AND the health of your future child.  Recent studies have shown that the health of the parents during conception has a significant influence on the health of the child later in life.  Epigenetic research is showing that these effects can be seen for generations, suggesting that your grandparents health habits when they conceived may be influencing your health and your child’s health today.

From a Naturopathic perspective, the goals of a healthy conception and prenatal period begin with a decreased toxic burden, healthy eating, good digestion, balanced hormones, and proper stress/life management.  Our bodies are wise and if out of balance, will not readily support a pregnancy.  This is where our medicine excels.  Through the use of vitamins and minerals, homeopathy, detoxification, food, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes, much can be done to bring the body back into balance and create an environment ripe for conception.

At True Potential Health Services, we offer comprehensive services for anyone seeking fertility support.  Whether you are just considering a baby, going through IUI or IVF treatments, or newly pregnant, we have the tools to help you maximize your health potential.

by Dr. Michelle Marcoux, ND