Meet the Team
A Message from the Clinic Founder Dr. Jacqui Fleury
Naturopathic Doctor Jacqui Fleury is a Functional Medicine Expert with a passion for helping you survive and thrive as a top performer. After 20 years of practicing functional medicine as a Naturopathic Doctor, not only have she witnessed and successfully treated the chronic effects of stress, but she has also personally lived it.
Contact True Potential Health Clinic today. Let us help you achieve great energy – we want you to feel awesome.
Jacqui Fleury, N.D.
Owner / Clinic Director / Naturopathic Doctor
I became a mom in 1997, and a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle,Wa in 1998. Thus began a journey on two amazing paths, both of which I am deeply passionate about.
Blending life and clinical experience brings an ever-deepening understanding and respect for the healing process and the many forms in which healing takes place.
Carrianne McGinnis
Certified Light Therapy Technician & Trainer / Esthetician
Carrianne McGinnis has 11 years experience as an independent business person and has a passion for delivering non invasive, effective face and body treatments. She works with European technology that stimulates healing of the cells. She uses microcurrent, light therapy, radio frequency and FIR. She also uses non invasive microneedling technology. She uses professional European products to help manage skin and body issues. Her goal is to bring out the best on your outside so you are confident on the inside.
Jessica Webb
Client Services Specialist / Admin
Jessica has a blended background. She has a diploma in Theatre Production and has been working the customer service field for 20 years. Retail, hospitality, food and clinic settings – she has seen it all but her passion remains the same – helping people! She takes pride in making your visit an enjoyable experience and knowing you are going home feeling confident and happy with your choices.
Chinonso Miniely
Admin Assistant
Before landing behind the desk at True Potential, Chinonso had spent much of her life travelling. From Eastern Canada, across the United States, to small towns in South Korea and Nigeria, she has called many places home. She decided to settle in Saskatoon because of the wonderful community that she found herself immersed in.She loves being at True Potential where she is surrounded daily by people who are passionate about living healthy, full lives.