Everybody’s Got a Laughin’ Place

I am sure those of you who have been to Disneyland have seen this sign if your kids were as enamoured by Splash Mountain as my kids were…


Ah yes, a laughin’ place.

Sometimes life gets so full of details, that laughin’ place can get pushed to the background, and if things go too long, that place can get completely forgotten. 

So imagine my delight when we went screaming and cascading down the 60 foot drop of Splash Mountain.  If that doesn’t ignite the happy hormones, I am not sure what would.

We LOVED Disneyland.

We each got something different from being there.  The trip started off being about “The kids are getting older and we SHOULD PROBABLY DO DISNEY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE”.  Almost an obligatory decision.   However, the moment we stepped into the parks, there was that feeling.


You hear about it, you read about it in the glossy brochures and online.  But what I so appreciated about the experience was that they do, in fact, create magic.  Yes it is impressive to look at.  Yes, the rides are a LOT of fun.  And guess what?  The food was even awesome (if you are ever in Carsland, check out the salads at Flo’s).   But the magic I am referring to is the FEELING you have when you are there.  Everyone is HAPPY.  Where else could you go where you find a bus driver cracking jokes and playing trivia games?  When was the last time you stood in line for two hours and felt happy at the end of that line?   That alone is magic.  I came home feeling completely inspired by the feeling we all had for those two days.  And so I ask, where can we create magic in our lives?

How do we help others feel this magic?    

Feeling magic equates to feeling good in my books.  So, if we are not feeling all that good in our bodies, with our physical and emotional health, it’s hard to tap into the magic that surrounds us, every day, every moment of every day.   Not just when we are in Disneyland. It would be impossible NOT to tap into that energy when bathed in it in Disneyland.  A little harder to tap into it if you are in line at the bank, late for soccer practice, sitting in traffic, etc etc.  And even harder to tap into if you are plaqued by chronic headaches, irritable bowels, back pain, insomnia, fatigue, chronic joint pain, low blood sugar, bloating, depression, anxiety to name only a few of the many concerns that people are dealing with.

Join us May 12 during Naturopathic Medicine Week for a presentation all about feeling good: Eat, Move and Laugh: Steps to Manage Stress, Anxiety and Depression, Naturally. More info HERE.

-Dr. Jacqui Fleury, ND  Clinic Owner and Director