Low Carb Summer Ideas

Eating low carb has become a major health trend. There are many delicious recipes available but how do you stay on track at social events or without the convenience of a full kitchen?

Camping, barbecues, and road trips can make it difficult to avoid grains and high carb foods. Here’s a few suggestions to help keep your health goals in sight.

Wrap it up

If burgers, hot dogs, or sandwiches are on the menu, opt for a lettuce wrap instead of a bun or bread. There are even a few fast food restaurants that have lettuce wraps as an option. Lettuce wraps can be purchased ready to eat if you are in a rush. Iceberg, butter lettuce, leaf lettuce and romaine all work well.

If lettuce wraps aren’t an option, you can still skip the bun and use a fork and knife instead.

Careful about condiments

Ketchup, relish and BBQ sauce contain a considerable amount of sugar. It’s always a good idea to check labels but plain mustard, mayo, and hot sauces are usually low in sugar. Always check the ingredients on marinades and seasonings and try to stay in the range of 0-2 g of net carbs per serving. Avocados or guacamole are delicious on a burger and add plenty of healthy fat.

Tater alternatives and more

Swap out your potatoes for cauliflower, radishes/daikon, turnip, and rutabaga. If you are camping they can be foil wrapped with butter, salt and pepper and cooked over a grill or you can boil them on a camp stove and mash with butter and seasoning. There are even recipes for cauliflower “potato” salad.

Many other low carb vegetables, such as foil wrapped mushrooms and asparagus, are a delicious side for a camp meal. Even certain heads of lettuce like endive and radicchio can be grilled to change up your usual salad routine.


Diet sodas are technically low carb but should be limited as they contain aspartame. Sodas sweetened with stevia or flavoured sparkling water provide healthier options. Club soda with lemon juice and a few dashes of bitters is my favourite mix. Specialty bitters can be found in many different flavours which can add a nice kick to your cocktail. Wine and light beer can keep you in a low carb range if not consumed in
excess, but many low-carb followers stick with spirits and low carb sodas during patio season.

Snack time

Sliced cucumbers are a great alternative to chips and pair nicely with tzatziki. Also consider packing celery sticks with nut butter or sliced peppers and guacamole. Kale chips, dehydrated zucchini chips, and low carb nuts are also perfect for snacking.

With a little preparation you can make low carb work anywhere and feel great all summer.