Osteoarthritis and Naturopathic Medicine

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and affects millions of people in North America. The incidence of osteoarthritis increases with age and is a result of wear and tear to the cartilage of our joints. Cartilage covers the ends of bones in the joint capsule and functions as a shock absorber between the 2 adjoining bones. Over time, the cartilage hardens and bone spurs can form. The end result is often decreased mobility, inflammation and pain. Fortunately naturopathic medicine has many treatments to offer people with osteoarthritis.

Natural Treatments for Arthritis

The most well known natural treatment for arthritis is glucosamine sulphate. Glucosamine sulphate stimulates the production and repair of cartilage. In addition to glucosamine sulphate, MSM can also help repair connective tissue and may increase the effectiveness of glucosamine sulphate. Many herbs can help decrease the inflammation of an arthritic joint. Antiinflammatory herbs include; devil’s claw, boswellia serrata, feverfew and turmeric. The enzymes in pineapple (bromelain) and papaya (papain) are also anti-inflammatory when consumed on an empty stomach. Antiinflammatory herbs can be very effective and are much less irritating to the lining of the stomach than prescription antiinflammatories. If only one joint is inflamed, such as a finger, toe or ankle, you can consider using the anti-inflammatory herb in a cream form and apply it locally. Applying warm castor oil packs to a joint can not only decrease inflammation, but improve circulation within the joint and help remove toxins as well.

Diet and Arthritis

What we eat can also affect the progression of arthritis and the degree of pain experienced. The nightshade family of vegetables can make arthritis pain worse in certain individuals. The nightshade family includes tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, peppers and paprika. Other common food sensitivities include wheat, citrus, milk, corn, eggs and pork. A naturopathic doctor can help you identify any possible food allergens that may be contributing to your arthritic pain.

Many different vitamins and minerals are necessary for healthy joints, but essential fatty acids are particularly important for the prevention and treatment of arthritis. Essential fatty acids (especially omega 3 fatty acids) must be obtained through our diet because our body cannot manufacture them. However, most people are not consuming adequate amounts of these on a day-to-day basis. Foods which contain omega 3 EFAs include flax seeds. Pumpkin seeds and fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and trout. You can also consume these EFAs by buying the oil of these foods. Flax oil and fish oil are readily available in both the liquid and capsule form. It is important to buy a good quality fish oil supplement which guarantees that all heavy metals have been removed. Essential fatty acids can help decrease inflammation, improve cartilage formation, as well as decrease cholesterol and blood pressure.

Acupuncture and Arthritis

Acupuncture is one of the most helpful tools for alleviating the pain of arthritis. A naturopathic doctor can use acupuncture to increase blood circulation to the joint, remove joint toxins and decrease or even eliminate pain. Two or three treatments may be all that is necessary to alleviate the pain in mild arthritis, although more treatments may be necessary depending on the severity and duration of your arthritis.

Given the prevalence of osteoarthritis in our society, it is comforting to know that many natural treatments exist to keep us active and pain free, and therefore better able to enjoy life.

by Dr. Darlene Ahenakew, ND