You may have heard that our bodies are about 60% water. Ever wondered what all that water does? Some of the important functions of water in our bodies include:
- Transporting nutrients and waste
- Making up about 75% of our muscle and about 25% of our bones
- Lubricating our joints
- Making up saliva to help us chew, taste, and swallow our food
- Regulating body temperature
It’s easy to remember to hydrate when we’re working out or sweating on a hot day, but did you know that even on a day that you spend at home relaxing on the couch at room temperature, you still lose about 1 litre of water just through evaporation from your skin and breath?

Here are some of the signs to look out for that might indicate dehydration:
- Headache
- Feeling tired or low-energy
- Dry eyes and/or dry mouth
- Dark-coloured urine
- Nausea
You can start experiencing the mental and physical symptoms of dehydration at just a 1-2% loss of your body water!