What inspires you?

What really moves you, what gets you out of bed in the morning, ready to expand into the possibilities of what the day ahead holds for you? 

This is a question that was posed to me this summer while I was in the middle of a process of desire mapping.  In other words, how do I want to feel as I move through my day, and then planning my day according to those core desired feelings.

After many years of patient care and countless hours of continuing education to learn new and innovative ways to continue to offer tools to the patients I work with, the same theme repeats itself in various shades…

“I do really good for a while taking my supplements and eating well, then Christmas/Halloween/Summer Holidays/Crisis in Family/Crisis at Work/etc etc comes along, and everything falls apart”.

Then the negative self talk kicks in because we are so darn good at being our best critic. 

With the holiday season just around the corner, let me be the first to congratulate you on the amazing job you have done to this point.  Because as we can all attest to when it comes to self care, showing up for ourselves is half the battle right there!!  You took your supplements half the time this week instead of every day?  Awesome!!!  That’s 50% more than not taking them at all!  You hit the drive through while getting your kids to an activity Monday because you hadn’t made it for groceries yet?  Sweet!  You got your kids fed before their activity so that they wouldn’t collapse in the middle of the basketball court.   My point?  You are showing up in your life.  And the most important question to ask ourselves with any choice or decision is this – how do I want to feel when I make this decision?  If the answer isn’t aligning with how you want to feel, then that’s the time to readjust and make a different decision.

So my suggestion to you this holiday season?   Ask yourself this simple question – how do I want to feel after I buy this gift/eat this appetizer/drink this cocktail/ etc and if the answer isn’t one you are comfortable with, that’s a great time to re-evaluate.

Remember two things:

  1. Choices should be sustainable.
  2. You deserve to feel amazing at all times.  No matter what is going on around you.

So, what choices are you going to make that are going to help you feel that amazing awesome YOU

Wishing you a JOY this holiday season.  JOY in the largest sense of that word, the JOY you feel when you are living your inspiration.  Have fun exploring it!!

by Dr. Jacqui Fleury, ND, Clinic Owner and Director

And since we will all be busy exploring our JOY this holiday season, our office hours are as follows:

True Potential Health Services – Holiday Hours

Dec 21 SATURDAY: 10 am – 2 pm

Dec 23:  8 am – 6 pm

Dec 24 – Jan  1 Closed for fun and frolicking

Jan 2 and Jan 3 – 8 am – 6 pm