Thermography is Back!

I am very pleased to announce that we are offering breast thermography in Saskatoon! We will be hosting a Breast Thermography clinic on January 19, 2016.  This clinic is a continuation of the clinics we have hosted previously, and we are excited to meet our new screening technician Brenda.   All screening images will continue to be interpreted and reported by Dr. Philip Hoekstra III, PHD.*

What is Thermography?

Why Thermography? Women are encouraged to get a mammogram so they can find their breast cancer as early as possible. With thermography as your regular screening tool, you have the opportunity to make adjustments to your diet, beliefs, and lifestyle to transform your cells before they became cancerous. This is proactive, and true prevention!!

  • Timely
    Problems can be found before abnormalities are seen with mammograms. Early detection provides the best outcome.
  • Inclusive
    Examines the whole chest, breasts and armpit areas. Particularly effective in instances where X-ray mammography is compromised; such as in women who are not menopausal, have used hormone replacement therapy (HRT), have glandular or dense breasts, have fibrocystic disease, had prior biopsies, have implants or surgical reductions, are pregnant, are lactating or have small or large breasts.
  • Precise
    Locates exact problem areas allowing for more precise focus with other medical diagnostic tests; ultrasound, mammogram, MRI.
  • Painless
    No squeezing, no pressure, no touching by equipment or technician.
  • Risk-free
    No harmful rays emitted so digital infrared imaging scan can be done as often as needed to monitor breast health and to guide treatment.

Does Thermography replace Mammograms? 

Thermography evaluates tissue function and is distinctly different from structure-based diagnostic methods, such as X-ray mammography, MRI and ultrasound.  Thermography does not replace these other diagnostic methods but rather they add to thermography’s diagnostic value and complement it as part of a comprehensive program.  Breast thermography has a very high (approximately 97%) sensitivity identifying the specific tissue features associated with breast disease.  A normal thermography report does not eliminate all possibility of breast cancer and atypical or abnormal results of other means of evaluation should not be disregarded.

How to Prepare for Your Thermography Scan

Please visit the Thermascan website for instructions and information about what to expect when you arrive for your scan.

Please contact True Potential Health to book your breast thermography in Saskatoon on January 19, or for more information about when to arrive, payment methods, and the scan itself.

Call 306-373-5209

Or use the contact form on our website to send us a message.

About Dr. Hoekstra

*Dr. Hoekstra III, PHD is a medical physiologist specializing in early detection of breast disease by diagnostic infrared imaging. He is the President of the American Academy of Thermology, Regent of the American College of Oncologic Thermology and a Director of the American Board of Thermology. Dr. Hoekstra is the Chief Science Officer and Laboratory Director of Therma-Scan ( Dr. Hoekstra has the experience of more than 750,000 patient studies over the past thirty-seven years, is world-renown for his accomplishments in diagnostic infrared imaging for breast cancer and as the developer of a comprehensive analytic system for diagnostic breast thermology.