What lifestyle factor will have the biggest positive impact on your health in 2014?

Dr Mike Evans answers this question in his fantastic video called 23 ½ hours.

Smoking less, weighing less, eating more good fats, having a good social network are all important –

BUT the answer is… half an hour of exercise a day!

Thirty minutes of walking a day has been shown to decrease anxiety 48%, decrease depression symptoms by 47%, decrease the progression of dementia and alzheimers 50%, decrease the risk of hip fractures in postmenopausal women by 41% – and the list goes on!

I often ask patients to watch Dr Mike’s 9 minute YouTube video.  It is entertaining, educational and incredibly motivating. Enjoy! (Dr. Mike’s show – AND the walk that you will take after you watch the video!)


by Dr. Darlene Ahenakew, ND