When it comes to exercise during menopause, think of it as a “less is more” adventure.

Sure, there’s a lot of buzz about pumping iron and resistance training to keep that muscle mass up, and that’s definitely important.But here’s a little secret:

Micromovements are your new best friend.

These tiny, frequent movements can sneak in some serious benefits for your strength, metabolism, and bone density. And the best part? They’re perfect for those sunny summer months when the gym feels like the last place you want to be.

So, embrace the fun of micromovements – from garden squats to beach walks – and keep your body in top shape while enjoying the great outdoors.

Micromovements, those small activities you can do throughout the day, offer surprising health benefits.

Research shows that these low-intensity movements can significantly boost your metabolism, improve muscle strength, and enhance bone density.

For example, just fidgeting or moving around a bit while you work can keep your metabolism active, which helps manage blood sugar levels and insulin response. This means adding more small movements into your daily routine can make a big difference in maintaining your overall health.

Beyond metabolism, micromovements play a crucial role in keeping your muscles and bones strong. Studies have found that taking short breaks to move around can help keep your muscles engaged and prevent atrophy/loss of muscle mass.

Even simple movements, like holding a squat or doing a wall sit, can engage up to 95% of your muscle fibers. This helps maintain muscle strength and endurance.

Additionally, these small activities help put gentle stress on your bones, which stimulates bone growth and maintenance. Regular low-impact movements like these can improve bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Summer Micromovements to Try:

  1. Garden Squats: Do squats while gardening, such as when planting or pulling weeds.
  2. Beach Walks: Walking on sand adds resistance and strengthens your legs.
  3. Park Bench Push-Ups: Use park benches for push-ups during a walk or run.
  4. Standing Calf Raises: Do calf raises while waiting in line or cooking.
  5. Frisbee or Catch: Play frisbee or catch in the park to engage various muscle groups.
  6. Hula Hooping: Use a hula hoop to work on your core strength and balance.
  7. Laundry Lunges: Do lunges while moving laundry from the washer to the dryer.
  8. Wall Sits While Cooking: Hold a wall sit while waiting for food to cook.
  9. Water Workouts: Try aqua aerobics, water yoga, or simply swimming for a full-body workout.
  10. Nature Walks: Take mindful nature walks to enjoy the scenery and get some light exercise.
  11. Outdoor Yoga: Practice yoga in your backyard or at a park.
  12. Stair Climbing: Use stairs whenever possible to strengthen your legs and improve cardiovascular health.
  13. Pet Walks: Take your pet for frequent short walks or play sessions.
  14. Stretching at Rest Stops: During long drives, stretch at rest stops to stay limber.
  15. Airport Steps: Instead of sitting at your gate waiting for your flight, log a few hundred steps instead!
  16. Walking Meetings: Suggest walking meetings to get some movement while you work.

These micromovements are easy to incorporate into your summer routine and can significantly contribute to overall health and fitness by boosting metabolism, strengthening muscles, and improving bone density.

And remember, every little bit adds up at the end of the day. Focus on those small sustainable things you can do daily, because you’re more likely to succeed long term.

Happy sunny days!

– Dr. Jacqui Fleury, ND