Is this menopause?
Have you asked your healthcare provider this question recently or silently wondered this question?
Check out Dr. Fleury’s recent interview on Connect to learn more about the importance of self-care before and during this transition, and how best to support your loved ones going through menopause.
Learn more at Dr. Fleury’s “Is this menopause” event on January 12th. There are a few spots still available.
Join us on January 12th to learn more
Learn how you can take charge and feel back in control of your hormone health.
Date and time: January 12th at 6 pm
Location: Saskatoon Club – 417 21st Street East
Fee: $25
RSVP: Call 306-373-5209 to save your spot!
Maybe you’ve been dealing with the following laundry list of symptoms, and you’re chalking it up to your hormones:
- Spotting between cycles/heavy cycles
- Brain fog
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Bloating and gas
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Always feeling hot/night sweats/hot flashes
- Vaginal dryness, itching, and pain during sex (if you’re lucky enough to still have a libido)
- Motivated then on the verge of tears within minutes
Perhaps your doctor has offered you antidepressants, medication for IBS or for your racing heart. Maybe you’ve been offered hormones or a vaginal cream, but you have decided you want a better option or a second opinion.
If this sounds like you, there is still time to sign up and save your seat at our “Is this menopause?” series.
We will discuss the real reasons why you might be feeling the way you are feeling. Hint… it’s probably not what you have read or been told so far.
If you are struggling with your physical and emotional health during your 40’s and 50’s, this is not a normal part of aging.
It is very common, but it is not ideal.

About Your Presenter
I am best known for helping anxious, overwhelmed, and brain fogged menopausal women to feel happier, motivated, and more like themselves than they have in years.
After working with menopausal women for 25 years, I have made the discovery that menopause is not something horrible that every woman must face and get through, but rather it is an amplification of the underlying health imbalances that have gone unaddressed in the woman’s 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s.
And there is so much that can be done about this!
Through my book, consults, lunch and learns, corporate trainings, and keynotes, you will come away with an understanding of how you (or someone you love) can become the master of your moods in menopause and in life.
I look forward to walking this journey with you!
Jacqui Fleury, ND